Child Survivors of Connecticut Sponsors Holocaust Speakers Bureau
Need a Holocaust survivor to speak on Yom Hashoah or for an event at your school, university, church or synagogue? The Holocaust Child Survivors of Connecticut can help. There is nothing more effective in making history come alive than an eyewitness account. Through vivid, live testimony, our members are able to add a deeper dimension to your school curriculum and a better understanding of the history in an age-appropriate sensitive manner. The HCSC Speakers' Bureau provides trained Holocaust speakers to schools and universities, churches, synagogues as well as other community organizations. For information about arranging for a speaker, please
email Agnes Vertes, president, at speakers@hcs-ct.org
or visit our Web site www.hcs-ct.org.
About The Holocaust Child Survivors of Connecticut Among the 6,000,000 Jews murdered by the Nazis in Europe from 1939 to 1945 1,500,000 were children. Despite the desperate efforts of their families and communities, tragically, very few were able to survive. The Holocaust Child Survivors of Connecticut (HCSC) is an organization of individuals who were children during that period and were fortunate to survive the horror of Nazism and to build new lives in America. The group's mission and most important function is to educate others about the evils of discrimination and about the darkest period of 20th century-the Holocaust.
What: Free public speakers on personal experiences during the Holocaust Where: Your location in Connecticut, New York or New Jersey When: Yom Hashoah or any Holocaust commemoration or educational activity Who: Sponsored by The Holocaust Child Survivors of Connecticut
Interested in joining HCSC? Want to order our DVDs or books, or get on our mailing list? Willing to donate or help? Other questions? Contact us at info@hcs-ct.org.
The Holocaust Child Survivors of Connecticut
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